Tuesday, August 30, 2011

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Day 3 Pics

Day 3 Pics Enjoy :D There are some Pokemon ones in here haha

Nyan Cat Before and After

 Haha enjoy :D

New Photos haha

Awesome Video 500 People in 100 Seconds


At first I thought this would be stupid but this is awesome!

More Funny Pictures

Enjoy :D

30 Minutes or Less

I went to see 30 Minutes or Less this weekend and it is no where close to a family movie. It is also a terrible move, anyway. I thought it was going to be funny, but it turns out it was only funny in a few select parts and all of the funny parts were in commercials that I had already seen. It was a total let down. Overall I don't want to see it again and I discourage anyone from going to see it, but if you don't believe me you can go see it and think what you want.

Even though it is from the same director as Zombie Land, Zombie Land was so much better